Monday, October 1, 2018

On Becoming

Colors move on branches
Light lifting and expanding
that which we see, hear and feel
Falling to the ground we are grateful
for that which we have been given
Life, changing that which we are
to that which we become
Gather the gifts of Grandmother Earth
to sustain us thru our lives
As we go within we find ourselves
creating that which we will become
As the generations unfold

Friday, May 18, 2018

Spring came in cool and moist
Bringing emergent green and and life again
to this Earth, to our world
We walk in gratitude to see this
abundance that will grow our body, mind and spirit
Our hearts will stand  open to the creation
of the world and we will remember to breathe
To be in relationship with all life.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Eliciting Life

Cold elicits a response from within of our healing reflex
That which forms and then ignites our health
Breath in, breath out
Blood moves and warmth nourishes
Creating that which is to come

Snow blankets the Earth
Holding warmth and nourishment in the soil
Breath in Breath out
Creating the dreams and vision of what will come

Diversity of life reflected in each of us
In each individual snowflake in each individual face and form
We hold
Breath in breath out
Creating that which is to come in dreams and vision