Friday, October 6, 2017

Questing for Our Vision

She throws her web towards the East, welcoming Grandfather Sun
Grandfather the one who reminds us to shine, to be in this moment
She runs her hand along the branch of Rosemary,
the fragrance taking her back to the ancient ones.
In her mind she sees all who went before her as she moves
to see, to know and to be awakened to the South.
She sits under the Oak Tree with her feet in the river.
The river cleanses her and she does her give away of Yarrow
to heal the wounded child within.
She dances towards the West releasing old patterns with each step.
In the West she gathers stones and builds her Medicine Wheel,
creating fire within it to manifest the dreams, to see the visions,
and the feel hope.
She calls to Great Spirit as she smudges with her Sage.
The North calls her to continue her journey and
she plants her feet firmly upon Grandmother Earth
reaching with her hands for the Stars.
She is her Warrior self.
The magick of Earth & Stone, Wind & Water, Fire & Spirit,
Gifts of the Sacred Animals.
As she casts  seed, her seeds of self
and calls for a vision.